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weight loss

Feel healthy | Look great


Most people know that if you eat sensibly and take exercise the pounds will drop off. So why do so many people struggle with it? Surely, its just a matter of burning off more calories than you consume? Well, clearly not, as the 15 million obese people in the UK will testify.


Well, the main reason is that if you are not in the right mindset, it is usually a losing battle. There are three main issues that are at play which mean that despite your best intentions to lose weight, it just doesn’t happen:


  1. Comfort or emotional eating due to stress, boredom or unhappiness. Over eating is therefore the end result of these difficult emotions.

  2. Feeling out of control / powerless about losing weight or keeping it off. Not believing you’ve got the ability to lose weight means it’s unlikely you will put in the necessary effort.

  3. Lack of self-esteem/self-belief. If the idea of being able to look slim and attractive is not consistent with your beliefs about yourself, it will be unlikely to become a reality.


It may be that you eat when you are bored or stressed or maybe you just never really feel full up. Food provides that instant reward and gratification, hence the term ‘comfort eating’. When you need an emotional boost or need cheering up, that easily accessible chocolate bar or bag or crisps is an easy way of getting that – but just for that moment. Then often the guilt and regret often follows shortly after…


For many of my clients, their self-esteem hinges on how attractive they look and how slim they feel. They feel that by being in control of their weight they are more in control of how others perceive them, value them and like/love them. However, feelings of low self worth, feeling ugly, feeling ‘not good enough’ come from within; these feelings arise from a more general lack of self-esteem, but are being attributed to how they look – and of course, being overweight only adds to these negative feelings. People who don’t understand self-image wrongly put all their attention on changing their eating and exercise behaviors, but the problem with this physical-only approach is that it’s not addressing the source or cause of the behavior. That’s why, mainly, diets don’t work.


People lose weight when they are most motivated to do so. This is the time when diets are most successful. However, for as many people who lose weight from dieting, and manage to maintain that loss, there are many more who put the weight back on again…and then some. This can be due to slipping back into old eating habits once the motivation has worn off. Or it can be due to self-sabotage – they feel they don’t deserve to look good – it is incongruent with how they feel inside. Or perhaps, they don’t like the attention that being slim brings with it – it feels outside of their comfort zone. They are attempting to move beyond the safe, familiar and comfortable.


Unfortunately, most people plagued by being overweight try to slim using a variety of ineffectual methods: they move through an array of fad diets and all usually having the same disappointing result…any pounds shed are almost always quickly regained once the diet has ended. Diets are also unsuccessful because they compel the dieter to think about the very thing with which they have already been too preoccupied – food. On a diet we are constantly thinking about food.


Unfortunately, most people plagued by being overweight try to slim using a variety of ineffectual methods: they move through an array of fad diets and all usually having the same disappointing result…any pounds shed are almost always quickly regained once the diet is ended. Diets are also unsuccessful because they compel the dieter to think about the very thing with which they have already been too preoccupied – food. On a diet we are constantly thinking about food.


The result of trying, yet failing to lose weight is that we learn to expect failure. The more we expect to fail, the less effort we put into losing weight so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Unfortunately, losing weight effectively DOES require effort – don’t believe any weight loss diet or programme that promises you otherwise!


The good news is that when you feel back in control of losing weight, putting in that extra effort seems worth it. When a weight loss goal seems achievable, you are much more likely to want to put in the effort. It makes it worth it to resist that chocolate bar. It makes it worth it to do that bit of exercise. Losing weight effectively is all about thinking positively and powerfully, having good self-esteem and self-beliefs. Here’s how to achieve that…


This is a unique and highly effective one-to-one 6 session training programme where you will learn to understand and take control of the thoughts, beliefs, emotions in order to lose weight. Discover how to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself, your ability to lose weight and how to have a happier, healthier life.


The Thrive Programme is an empowering and liberating psychological training programme which, with your input, will allow you to build your self-esteem and feel much more in control in your life. You’ll find that its much simpler and faster than you may have ever believed to take control and get the life you want.


The Thrive Programme comes from a completely different angle to any other treatment, therapy or intervention. Using the Programme, anyone can learn how to enjoy good mental health. Thrive is NOT therapy – it’s the complete opposite to therapy – and it puts you in the driving seat. This means that when you do meet a hurdle in life, you’ll be well-prepared to meet them head on, feeling powerful, capable and positive. With the Thrive Programme there’ll be no stopping you!

The Thrive Programme is a life-changing psychological training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive!

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you to complete the Thrive Programme CONTACT ME to arrange a FREE, confidential, initial consultation. 


If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you, please CONTACT ME for a free, no obligation consultation that’s strictly confidential.

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