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Build confidence | Self-belief | Feel great

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is just a set of beliefs (positive or negative) that you have created about yourself. It’s not real and doesn’t exist outside of your head. When we have poor self esteem and lack self-belief, we look for evidence to maintain that negative view of yourself, disregarding all evidence to the contrary. By doing so, you can end up with a distorted, limiting and often harsh opinion of yourself and what you are capable of.

Self-confidence is the belief in your ability to do or achieve something, whether in a social situation, a relationship, at work or generally in life. For many people, however, confidence is something that they admire in others but cannot access for themselves. Having low self-confidence can be extremely limiting, affecting our ability to live the life we deserve.

Where does our low self-confidence/self-esteem come from?

Having self confidence, or the lack of it, is NOT something we are born with. It is something that is created by the way that we think about ourselves and process our experiences in life. Very often, our levels of self belief and self esteem do not have any bearing on reality. In fact, most people who consult with me for lack of confidence are very capable people, with lots of skills and attributes – but they just don’t recognise that in themselves. Self belief is crucial in life – anxiety is created when you don’t believe you have the skills and abilities to cope with a situation. We can spend lots of time inside our own heads mentally rehearsing how uncomfortable or nerve wracking a future situation may be…. or likewise spend hours going over a past situation and beating yourself up about it. Both of these do very harmful things to our self-esteem!

Low self-confidence can be very restrictive in a person’s day to day life, affecting such areas as:
  • Lacking confidence in dating / interacting with the opposite sex

  • Driving test nerves/fear of driving

  • Exam nerves

  • Public speaking/presentations

  • Stage fright

  • Social Phobia

  • Job interviews/appraisals

  • Generally feeling ‘not good enough’

  • Awkward or confrontational situations

  • Being in the company of groups of people or one-to-one

  • Feeling judged by others or feeling self conscious

Create high self-esteem 

The Thrive Programme is an amazingly effective and empowering way to boost your confidence and increase your self worth!

The good news is that it is actually very easy to change your self-esteem using the Thrive Programme. We create poor self esteem because of the way that we think of ourselves and process our experiences in life. I will teach you that good self-esteem is achievable in just two weeks – even if you feel you have had poor self-esteem all of your life.

Discover how to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself, enabling you to live a happier and positive life. When you genuinely understand how your mind works, i.e. the interaction between your emotions, your personality and your thinking, you feel much more in control and empowered. When you recognise that most of your problems, stresses, symptoms and ill-health are either caused or made worse by poorly-managed thinking, you feel fantastic … because if you caused these problems, then you can change them!

The Thrive Programme will provide you with amazing personal insight, allowing you to totally change any limiting belief systems that are adversely affecting your life in just five or six weekly sessions. If you feel that you have a lack of self-esteem or self-confidence and if it is causing problems in your life then contact me today and become the person you would like to be.

The Thrive Programme is a life-changing psychological training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive!

Create high self-esteem!

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you to complete the Thrive Programme CONTACT ME to arrange a FREE, confidential, initial consultation. You may also like to take a look at some video testimonials to see how other people have overcome their low self-esteem and in doing so, learned to truly Thrive.

James - staying calm and fighting his cancer www.thriveprogramme

James - staying calm and fighting his cancer www.thriveprogramme and James is dying of cancer, yet he is staying very calm, positive and happy - thanks to the skills he learned going through The Thrive Programme. James has an inner strength, an inner confidence and a sense of power that allows him to feel calm and in control. See for more info The Thrive Programme is a life-changing, evidence-based training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive! Life-changing? Absolutely! The Thrive Programme delivers a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting happiness, health and success. Created by Rob Kelly – a therapist with over twenty-five years clinical experience – and a team of researchers based at Cambridge University. To thrive is to feel completely alive, powerful and in control. When you are thriving, you are choosing to experience everything that is great about you and your life. You are able to maintain a helpful perspective and manage your thinking and beliefs to the point that you don’t suffer stress, anxiety or other problems. When you are thriving, you are optimistic, energetic and positive as a result of the insights and knowledge acquired through The Thrive Programme. Thriving tempts you to embrace challenges in life with enthusiasm, instead of reluctance and fear. Learning to thrive means to identify what is holding you back or causing your problems in your life and to develop the skills and resources to change.


If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you, please CONTACT ME for a free, no obligation consultation that’s strictly confidential.

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