What was going on in your life that meant you decided to do the Thrive Programme?
In 2012 I was diagnosed with endometriosis, and, after my 3rd operation my partner and I decided to start trying for our first child. But as the months went by with no joy, my emotions and thoughts started to spiral out of control. I struggled to cope with everyday situations, I was crying all the time and I would avoid seeing friends and family. I would also brood and overthink and had a very negative outlook on my life. After about 13 months of this and my stress level rising I was told about the Thrive programme so I contacted Mary.
What difference did it make to you going through the programme with the help of your consultant?
Having Mary taking me through the programme made such a difference! It was great to have her explain anything that I didn’t fully understand and I felt I could be open and honest with her.
What did you get out of going through the programme?
Thrive has helped me understand the way I think and why I react and feel certain ways. It’s enabled me to manage my thinking so I think more positively. It allowed me to build my self-esteem and gain the confidence I needed to change my life – I’m happier, more positive and I’m confident.
My life has changed so much since I started Thrive. I’ve made lots of positive changes in my life and been motivated to follow my goals both big and small. I’ve joined boot camp again, I’m back socialising with my friends and meeting new people. I’m more relaxed and so much happier in my everyday life and I know I can now cope with any situation I’m faced with. Whilst was challenging at times, the end result has been well worth it!
How would you say that your life has changed by going through Thrive?
My life is happy again and I am enjoying every day. The confidence and belief in myself means I create little to no anxiety.
What 3 words would you use to describe you and your life having gone through the programme?
Positive, Confident & Motivated.
Have other people noticed the change in you?
When I was about 4 weeks into the programme people at work started to comment on how much happier I was. My family and friends are so happy I’m smiling again and back to being myself – they’re very proud of me.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of going through The Thrive Programme?
Definitely do it! I can’t express how much it’s changed my life. If you’re willing to put 110% effort into the programme you’ll see the changes – you will change your life!
What’s next in your life now you are Thriving…
I’m redecorating my house, planning my wedding and continuing with my fitness. I’m looking forward to a bright and happy future, whatever it holds for me, and I know whatever happens in life, I can cope and be the person I want to be!