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Hattie - Rickmansworth

What was going on in your life that meant you decided to do the Thrive Programme?

I was in an ‘on-off’ relationship and I found that during every ‘off’ I’d get very down and feel like I was entering depression. I’d had depression in the past and whenever I’d had a bad patch I feared that it’d develop into depression again. I also had Anorexia and Bulimia a few years before, and whilst I was much better and it was under control most of the time, whenever I was down, I tended to either stop eating properly or enter a Bulimic phase. In hindsight, I hadn’t been fully happy for a long time and I didn’t feel very ‘me’.

What difference did it make to you going through the programme with the help of your consultant?

I feel like the ‘old me’ again! I feel stressed much less often, I embrace being busy rather than panic. Now I can actually relax and do absolutely nothing without feeling guilty or lazy and I don’t try and control stressful or sad situations with food. Most importantly, I let myself be me and I’m happy with it!

Did you enjoy going through Thrive?

Definitely. There were times when it was hard, but there were so many more times that were enjoyable. I was constantly realising how much power I have over my emotions and my thoughts.

Was there a key thing in the programme that stood out to you? And if you’ve tried other interventions or therapies before, what made Thrive different?

I’d tried counselling for Depression and CBT for Anorexia, without any success. Instead I relied on antidepressants. I’d never have thought it was possible to have a session without crying, I genuinely didn’t even consider it as a possibility. Throughout Thrive, I think 1 out of 8 sessions I had a little cry, and I was still laughing by the end of it! It doesn’t feel like therapy; it feels like learning.

What did you get out of going through the programme?

I found me again! I’ve made changes to my life that have made me a much happier person and I now have a completely new approach to situations that would’ve previously made me stressed or upset. I’m also at the point where I don’t have to consciously think differently, instead it just happens and afterwards, I realise how differently I’d have previously handled that same situation.

How would you say that your life has changed by going through Thrive?

My life is happy again! I also feel like it’s slowed down because I’m not constantly wishing and striving for more in the future, I’m just letting myself be me and enjoying living day by day.

What 3 words would you use to describe you and your life 1) before Thrive and 2) now having gone through the programme?

1) Anxious, Busy, Pressurised

2) Happy, Fun, Exciting

Have other people noticed the change in you?

Yes, everyone around me! My Mum, in particular, has pointed out many situations that I would’ve handled very differently before Thrive. She loves that I let myself laugh again and I’m much more relaxed. Before my final Thrive review session she texted me to say “Tell Mary I love her for helping her find you again!”

How have your friends and family benefited by you going through the programme?

They get to have the happy healthy me again. I know that when I’ve been down before I haven’t been much fun to be around and tended to take things out on those closest to me, by snapping. Now I’m back to being chatty and sociable and I very rarely snap!

In what way is your company/business/career benefiting by you going thorough Thrive?

Thrive made me realise that I wanted a change of career and within a month of completing the programme I’d handed in my notice and had a new job lined up!

What would you say to anyone who is thinking of going through The Thrive Programme?

100% go for it! It does require hard work and the only way to make permanent changes, is to put in the effort, but that’s the reason it works and it’s SOOOO worth it!

What’s next in your life now you are Thriving…

A new job’s first on the list and the rest I’m taking as it comes, which is a first for me!


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