What was going on in your life that meant you decided to do the Thrive Programme?
10 years of being single, (it can be loads of fun being single, but I’d had my fun and it was beginning to get lonely & tiring), bringing up 2 children, building and growing my own business, mortgage, bills, trying to be the life and soul of the party, trying to be a supportive friend to friends in crisis, turning 50 and not treating my body & health with the respect I should have been. I was thinking I was losing my ‘mojo’ to the menopause and worried I’d never find it again. Fortunately Mary had the answer to get me out of this hole!
What difference did it make to you going through the programme with the help of your consultant?
I needed Mary to help me understand the Thrive workbook. Not that the book is difficult, but to do it on your own it is easy to get distracted and not mentally digest it all.
Did you enjoy going through Thrive?
I love doing Thrive, for me it is an ongoing process because it helps me to relax, helps me to focus on what’s important in my life. In short when I do Thrive, when I am conscious of Thrive I feel content.
Was there a key thing in the programme that stood out to you? And if you’ve tried other interventions or therapies before, what made Thrive different?
The key thing for me are the exercises. At first I didn’t really believe I needed to do the exercises, was it really necessary? Eventually, I realised I did need to do them and they do work!
What did you get out of going through the programme?
I’m a much better and happier person now. Now I’m an “Internal” thinker and have self-belief. I’m kinder to myself and my body, I make healthier lifestyle choices and am proud to say I’ve even stopped smoking! I manage my own life and my thoughts – decisions are based on what I want and not what I think other people want or think I should do. Thrive has given me the tools to manage any unhelpful, negative, mental self- sabotaging crap that used to go on in my head. So rather than it going on for weeks and weeks as previously I now know how to stop it promptly. I don’t look for highs, reckless behaviour to get rid of the stress. And importantly I now know how to be much more content.
What 3 words would you use to describe you and your life 1) before Thrive and 2) now having gone through the programme?
1) Chaotic (both life and in my head); Insecure (always looking for others to validate me; Lack of appreciation (of what I had & what I’d achieved)
2) Focused (on what’s important to me); Content (I don’t worry and I don’t beat myself up anymore); Appreciative (of the moment)
Have other people noticed the change in you?
Yes, I’ve had people comment on how well and healthy I look, but the most important thing is I feel better, I’m in control and more content in myself.
How have your friends and family benefited by you going through the programme?
My daughter has and will definitely benefit, I am a lot more understanding, patent & able to help her with any anxiety issues she has. I concentrate more on conversations, being in the moment as my mind is no longer wandering and worrying about the next thing. And I now I find it easier to say ‘No’ to people.
In what way is your company/business/career benefiting by you going thorough Thrive?
I have more self-belief in my own abilities & my business. For example over the last 2 weeks I have had 2 knock backs, but rather than letting it mentally torture me for the next 4 weeks as I would’ve before, I instead got on with doing some Thrive exercises which cleared my head, got perspective, got me refocused and got my head back in the business. Prior to Thrive I had no arsenal in my armoury to help me cope with any knock backs and this massively held me back from progressing my business. I can now push my business forward with plenty of self-belief and energy.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of going through The Thrive Programme?
Just Do It!! I really do believe everyone can benefit from Thrive whether you think you have a problem, issue, addiction, low self-esteem or belief, depression or even if you want to improve your already fantastic productive life Thrive will help you to do so even more.