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Obsessive compulsive disorder 

Overcome OCD | Be Ritual Free

What is OCD?

OCD can take many forms but in general, sufferers experience repetitive, unwelcome and intrusive thoughts, images, impulses and doubts which they find hard to ignore. These thoughts form the obsessional part of ‘Obsessive-Compulsive’ and they usually (but not always) cause the person to perform repetitive compulsions in a vain attempt to relieve themselves of the obsessions and neutralise the fear.

Sufferers may try to fight these thoughts with mental or physical rituals. These compulsions involve repeatedly performing actions such as hand washing, cleaning, checking, counting, hoarding or partaking in endless rumination.

Avoidance of feared situations is also common; however, this often results in further worrying and preoccupation with the obsessive thoughts.

Typically, the individual experiences a sense of resistance to the act but this is overridden by the strong drive to perform the action. Most often the principal aim behind the compulsive act is to generate temporary relief from the anxiety – and to feel a sense of being able to control their anxiety.

Intrusive thoughts: Pure O

Some sufferers will have the obsessive thoughts but no physical outward compulsions – a form of OCD often called ‘Pure O’. Mainly, these thoughts are often about harming yourself or others, or may be sexual in nature. This is the very reason that they become intrusive – if they had no anxiety about thinking them, they wouldn’t keep doing so! Sufferers then attach even more negative meaning to these thoughts and worry that because they’ve had such a terrible thought, it must mean that they are a bad person or will actually act upon them. This results in even more anxiety and further perpetuates the intrusive thoughts.

Most sufferers know that their thoughts and behaviour are irrational but feel incapable of stopping them. This can have a significant impact on their confidence and self-esteem and as a result, their careers, relationships and lifestyles.

Discover how to get back REAL control over your thoughts and behaviours and to learn how to thrive! People suffering from OCD have certain beliefs and styles of thinking that maintain and escalate their symptoms, including feeling powerless and out of control. The result of this is then to try to over-control their thinking – which only creates more anxiety and feelings of powerlessness. I can teach you how to feel completely in control of your thoughts and feelings in just a few enlightening sessions.

The Thrive Programme is very different to CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) or certainly any other treatment for OCD that is commonly practised. It is much more than just a series of techniques to help you deal with the problem.

This treatment is an empowering and liberating psychological training programme which aims to give you the insight into the real reason you have these thoughts and/or behaviours. You’ll find that it’s much simpler than you may have ever believed to take control and rid yourself of them!

The Thrive Programme is a life-changing psychological training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive!

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you to complete the Thrive Programme CONTACT ME to arrange a FREE, confidential, initial consultation. You may also like to take a look at some video testimonials to see how other people have overcome their OCD and in doing so, learned to truly Thrive.

Rovina beats her OCD with the Thrive Programme.

Rovina beats her OCD with the Thrive Programme.

Rovina has just completed the Thrive Programme and has done fantastically well. She's so much more confident, calmer, and as she says in her video, has overcome her OCD. and The Thrive Programme is a life-changing, evidence-based training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive! Life-changing? Absolutely! The Thrive Programme delivers a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting happiness, health and success. Created by Rob Kelly – a therapist with over twenty-five years clinical experience – and a team of researchers based at Cambridge University. To thrive is to feel completely alive, powerful and in control. When you are thriving, you are choosing to experience everything that is great about you and your life. You are able to maintain a helpful perspective and manage your thinking and beliefs to the point that you don’t suffer stress, anxiety or other problems. When you are thriving, you are optimistic, energetic and positive as a result of the insights and knowledge acquired through The Thrive Programme. Thriving tempts you to embrace challenges in life with enthusiasm, instead of reluctance and fear. Learning to thrive means to identify what is holding you back or causing your problems in your life and to develop the skills and resources to change.
Aaron's cures his anxiety, paranoia and unhappiness with The Thrive Programme

Aaron's cures his anxiety, paranoia and unhappiness with The Thrive Programme and Aaron owned a very successful business, and yet was anxious, unhappy, paranoid and socially phobic. It took him six weeks, and now he is 'the best version of me' - he's thriving! See for more info The Thrive Programme is a life-changing, evidence-based training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive! Life-changing? Absolutely! The Thrive Programme delivers a totally fresh approach to achieving lasting happiness, health and success. Created by Rob Kelly – a therapist with over twenty-five years clinical experience – and a team of researchers based at Cambridge University. To thrive is to feel completely alive, powerful and in control. When you are thriving, you are choosing to experience everything that is great about you and your life. You are able to maintain a helpful perspective and manage your thinking and beliefs to the point that you don’t suffer stress, anxiety or other problems. When you are thriving, you are optimistic, energetic and positive as a result of the insights and knowledge acquired through The Thrive Programme. Thriving tempts you to embrace challenges in life with enthusiasm, instead of reluctance and fear. Learning to thrive means to identify what is holding you back or causing your problems in your life and to develop the skills and resources to change.


If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you, please CONTACT ME for a free, no obligation consultation that’s strictly confidential.

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